
Pentagon presses for regime change in Iran
Pentagon hardliners pressing for regime change in Iran have held secret and unauthorized meetings in Paris with a controversial arms dealer who was a major figure in the Iran-contra scandal. Pentagon officials said at least two people working for Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith have held "several" meetings with Manucher Ghorbanifar, the Iranian middleman in U.S. arms-for-hostage shipments to Iran in the mid-1980s.
Where’s Ollie?
The administration officials who disclosed the secret meetings to Newsday said the talks with Ghorbanifar were not authorized by the White House and appeared to be aimed at undercutting current sensitive back channel negotiations with the Iranian regime.
Who in this administration still thinks there are moderates in Iran that we should negotiate with?
"They [the Pentagon officials] were talking to him [Ghorbanifar] about stuff which they weren’t officially authorized to do," said a senior administration official. "It was only accidentally that certain parts of our government learned about it."
Accidental intelligence. Great.
The official would not identify those "parts" of the government, but a former intelligence official confirmed they are the State Department, the CIA and the White House, itself.
Finger-pointin’ time. Ghorbanifar, the Pentagon’s next choice for Ayatolla? Maybe Ollie can arrange for the Iranian officials involved to take another tour of White House. Or Poindexter, after he is done shredding his incriminating docs over at at DARPA.

Posted by: fullwood 2003-08-09