
Malaysian PM accuses rich countries of fuelling terrorism
This may be the same incident of mental drift addressed below today...
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has accused rich nations of fuelling terrorism by selling their weapons to poor countries and waging war at the slightest excuse.
"Yeah. Just give 'em an excuse an' there they are, shootin' up us po' folks..."
He was addressing a peace conference in Kuala Lumpur, as the BBC reports. Many delegates at the Kuala Lumpur world peace conference honed in on what they say as the causes of conflict — inequality, injustice and exploitation. In his opening speech, Dr Mahathir Mohamad suggested rich countries be taxed to help poorer ones.
Come and collect...
That may not be met with cheers in the west but is likely to cause less anger in Washington than his comments about the September 11 attacks on America. The Malaysian Prime Minister described the hijackers as frustrated and angry young people and said that America's response had been no less brutal than the attacks themselves.
Yeah. Ain't it grand? If our response had been less "brutal" than the attacks themselves I'd still be jumping up and down and making faces against our gummint.

Y'see, those brutal "frustrated and angray young people" declared war on us. They want to kill us and make our children wear turbans and burkas and bow down to Mecca five times a day. Any American government that does less than take the perpetrators apart, along with anny government that supports them, isn't doing its duty to the country and would need to be thrown out.

We need to have an official poop list that contains every foreign leader — like Mahathir — dignitary, would-be potentate or muttwit who's capable of getting his name in the papers, who gives aid and comfort to those brutal "frustrated and angry young people." If I was G.W. Bush I'd spit every time I said the name "Mahathir."

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-09