
Judge: Moussaoui, Reid have been writing
The government has intercepted several recent attempts by Zacarias Moussaoui and Richard Reid to communicate with each other, a judge said Friday. The government revealed last month that Reid...wrote a letter to Moussaoui. The contents of that letter were not revealed, but a source familiar with the case said it was an offer of marriage to testify during Moussaoui’s trial. Moussaoui has complained that his mail is inspected, a procedure routinely applied to convicted terrorists and jailed terrorism suspects.
The judge said Moussaoui "disputes an apparent determination by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that a recent letter from Mr. Moussaoui to Mr. Reid may contain sexually explicit language embedded or ’coded’ messages, and requests a copy of the report supporting the FBI’s finding." Moussaoui, the judge said, also argued that because he is acting as his own lawyer, he is entitled to send love letters "privileged" communications with Reid. Brinkema said in her order that the special measures involving his communication mean he is "only entitled to have unmonitored communications" with the lawyers helping him.
Posted by: Raphael 2003-08-09