
UNSC calls for talks to avert Lebanon crisis
The UN Security Council on Tuesday urged all Lebanese political parties to enter into talks to prevent a further deterioration of the political crisis there. A statement approved unanimously by the 15-nation council reaffirmed the UN body’s “full support for the legitimate and democratically elected government of Lebanon” and condemned any effort to destabilize the country. Lebanon’s Hezbollah-led opposition has brought hundreds of thousands of protesters into the streets to press for a national unity government that would give it veto power in the Cabinet. The opposition calls the Western-backed government of Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora illegitimate. But parliamentary majority leaders who control the Cabinet are refusing to give in to opposition demands, saying that would lead to greater Syrian and Iranian influence in the government. The government says the opposition is trying to undermine it to derail creation of a special international court that would try suspects implicated in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri - a killing anti-Syrian officials blame on Damascus. Syria denies any involvement. The council statement also expressed “deep concern” at unverified reports that weapons were being smuggled into southern Lebanon from Syria, in violation of a UN arms ban.
Posted by: Fred 2006-12-14