
Bali Bomber’s Lawyers to Appeal Sentence
Wotta surprise.
Lawyers for Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, who was sentenced to death last week for his role in the Bali nightclub bombings, said they will appeal the verdict on Monday.
"He’s innocent we tells ya! Pure as the driven snow!" "Whatever the heck that means since we ain’t never seen snow in Indonesia"
Amrozi, known as the ``smiling bomber,’’ was convicted Thursday of helping plan and execute the Oct. 12 attacks on the tourist island in which 202 people died. He has repeatedly expressed a readiness to die as a martyr and appeared overjoyed when the sentence was read out.
He wasn’t the only one.
``We have persuaded him to exhaust all avenues to get justice. He was guilty for his role in the attack, but he was not the planner so we do not think he should be shot to death,’’ said his lawyer, Oktriyan.
"And we don’t think the planner should be shot, either!"
Death sentences, which are rare in Indonesia, are carried out by a firing squad.
According to Indonesian law, attorneys have a week to appeal a sentence. Oktriyan said he would lodge the papers with Bali’s higher court later Monday. Amrozi confessed to have bought the explosives and the car used in the blast. But Oktriyan said the appeal would note that there was no evidence other than testimonies of other defendants placing Amrozi at the planning sessions, and that these were weak and inconsistent.
Ta-ta, Amrozi, say hi to Uday and Qusay for us down there.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-08-11