
Bangladeshi force 'killed many'
Great press for our heroes!
A US based rights group says an elite-crime force in Bangladesh in responsible for killing more than 350 suspects in custody. Human Rights Watch says that the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has become a "government death squad".
Don't ever let HRW read the Tales from the Crossfire Gazette; they'll have a collective fit of the vapors ...
The RAB was set up in April 2004 amid concerns about rising crime in the country and draws its personnel from the police and the military. Human rights lawyers have expressed concerns about the force in the past.

Last year, rights groups in Bangladesh said that some 190 suspects had died in the custody of the force. The government had then admitted to a figure of around 150. Now Human Rights Watch alleges the number of suspects killed in the force's custody is significantly higher.
Guess they had more dacoits and Old Biplopi commies than they first thought ...
"It's [the force's] methods are illegal and especially shameful to a nation whose citizen just won the Nobel prize for peace," Brad Adams, director of the rights group said.
Lawlessness, revolution and spittle-flecked holy men are also embarrassing to a nation, but this is B-desh we're discussing ...
The group feared that the former ruling party - Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) - "could use the abusive force for political purposes" ahead of the general elections in January.

There was no immediate comment from the BNP on the report.
May be old news but thought Aunty Beeb's spin on RAB could raise a few hackles...
Or cheers ...
Posted by: Howard UK 2006-12-14