
Shooting Erupts in Saudi Capital
Shooting erupted in the Saudi capital after a police patrol tried to stop a car, the Ministry of Interior said Monday. No one was injured and no arrests were immediately reported, according to a ministry statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. The ministry said a driver fled in his car when police tried to stop him along a main highway in Riyadh Sunday night. Such traffic checks have become routine since May 12. The driver later stopped at a rest point on the highway where two other cars appeared. Several people emerged from the other cars and started shooting, the ministry said.
Doesn’t say who was shooting at who.
The ministry said an investigation is underway.
That might be a good idea.
The Saudi daily Al-Jazira, quoting "security sources," said that between eight to 10 suspects were involved and that weapons, explosives, personal belongings and identification cards were found at the rest stop after the shooting.
As they say, developing.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-11