
Senator Kerry Urges Dialogue With Iran, Syria
CAIRO (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John Kerry, the Democratic loser candidate for the presidency in 2004, said on Thursday the U.S. administration should engage in dialogue with Syria and Iran. "I think it's important to talk and have dialogue, but you don't give up your principles and you don't make deals that are against your larger interest," Kerry told reporters after talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. "Syria needs to understand that and Iran needs to understand that, but I think it's important to begin a discussion," added Kerry, a Massachusetts senator.

Kerry, who by the way served in Vietnam is considering a second bid for the U.S. presidency, cited the example of late President Ronald Reagan calling the Soviet Union "the evil empire" but not hesitating to negotiate with then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Kerry left the United States on Wednesday for a nine-day visit of the Middle East, including Iraq, and a meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but not a visit to Iran. Fellow Democratic senator Bill Nelson of Florida met Assad in Damascus on Wednesday and said he saw an opening for dialogue with Syria.

President George W. Bush, who has resisted pressure to hold talks with Syria and Iran, issued a statement on Wednesday calling on Syria to "immediately free all political prisoners" and "cease its efforts to undermine Lebanese sovereignty." Washington accuses Syria of allowing weapons and fighters to cross the border into Iraq, which Syria denies.
Posted by: Jimmy Conway 2006-12-14