
UK Nun: Harassed Muslim Tent-Ladies
A nun was convicted of religious harassment after ranting against 'terrorist' Muslims in the middle of London's busy Oxford Street.

Sister Ruth Augustus, 66, was fined £200 after she shouted at two women in full robes and veils "you're probably terrorists, get back to your own country".
Well, I would like to see their charity (zakat) receipts.

Later she told cops who arrested her they should go back to Iraq and have their heads chopped off.

City of Westminster Magistrates Court heard how trouble flared when Augustus, a missionary who has worked with prostitutes in the developing world, was handing out prayer leaflets outside Debenhams department store on Easter Tuesday.

When people of Muslim appearance passed she called out "Jesus loves Muslims," but two ladies in traditional dress took offence.

Fellow leafleter, Tony Rollins, told the court: "The ladies answered back and told her shut her stupid mouth.

"Sister Ruth said to them 'you're probably terrorists, get back to your own country'. They gave her a long, hard stare before walking away.

"I was cringing at what she said. It made me feel very uneasy."

WPC Natasha Walker said she heard a 'commotion' outside the shop and went to investigate.

The officer said: "I heard someone shouting 'terrorists, terrorists' more than once. It's busy on Oxford Street, so she must have been shouting really loud.

"I turned round and noticed there were a group of people standing outside Debenhams. Sister Augustus was shouting 'terrorists' repeatedly and other things about Muslims.

"I asked her to stop, but she refused. She said 'I will not stop, I'm a nun'.

"Because she refused to stop I arrested her. She said 'You're not arresting me, I'm a nun. It's a waste of tax payers' money. You're arresting me because you're a Muslim.'"

WPC Walker called for for colleagues to help bundle the 'agitated and aggressive' into the back of the police van.

WPC Keeley Pemberton said when she arrived she heard Augustus shouting at PC Walker "Take your dirty hands off me, you're a Muslim."

After a night in police cells Augustus was bailed to return to Marylebone Police Station in June, but when her solicitor didn't show, she launched into another tirade, it was said.
Some dudes like a little aggression in their women.

She called the two officers morons, referred to one as 'WPC Muslim Walker', and shouted in the public waiting area "This is a Muslim country full of terrorists," the court heard.

WPC Pemberton said Augustus became increasingly 'agitated and abusive'.

She said: "I asked her to be quiet and she shouted 'Go back to Iraq' and was pointing at WPC Walker. She said it very aggressively.

"Then she looked at me and said 'You should go with her and both of you will get your heads chopped off'."

WPC Walker said: "She said to me 'you should go back to Iraq where you belong, where all the terrorists are. You are likely to be beheaded. You deserve it'..."

Posted by: Sneaze Shaiting3550 2006-12-15