
S.Korean groups say to air-drop radios into N.Korea
Human rights activists in South Korea unveiled a campaign on Monday to send radios into North Korea using balloons, in a bid to open up the secretive communist country. They plan to fly more than 20 balloons, each six metres tall and carrying about 30 small radios, into North Korea within the next two weeks from either China or South Korea, organisers told a news conference in Seoul, without elaborating.
The North Koreans susequently announced that they would continue their ongoing tests to see if radios were edible.
The ’’Give the Ear to a North Korean’’
catchy title huh?
campaign was announced amid a flurry of diplomacy as the two Koreas, the United States, China, Japan and Russia prepare to meet in Beijing late this month in an attempt to defuse the North Korean nuclear crisis. North Korea strictly bans its people from listening to or watching outside broadcasts, but several agencies, including Voice of America and South Korea’s KBS -- both government-run broadcasters -- air programmes aimed at North Koreans.
Posted by: ----------<<<<- 2003-08-11