
Mogadishu drums out a message of war
I give it a 95 for the solid beat, clear melodic and butt-thumpin' lines of demarcation.
by Abdullahi Hassan, Mogadishu, and Rob Crilly, Nairobi
Lol. Note who's where.
ARMS are flooding into the city by sea and air, mosques are filled with a call to jihad and foreign fighters are arriving by the planeload: Mogadishu is once again braced for war.

For 15 years Somalia has been kept in near-constant anarchy by warlords intent on carving their own personal fiefdoms. Now the powerful Somali Islamic Courts Council, which restored a transient peace to the capital and seized much of the south of the country, is on a collision course with the near-impotent official interim government and its Ethiopian backers that could suck the entire Horn of Africa into conflict.
The Classic African Shithole™ converted into the Classic Islamic Shithole™. A very short trip.
Everywhere there are signs that the Islamists are preparing their supporters for battle. Vans with loudhailers patrol the city’s muddy streets, calling the faithful to join the coming war against Ethiopia. Friday prayers were dominated by sermons extolling the virtues of jihad as imams read from scripts prepared by the leaders of the Islamic council.

Residents say foreign fighters have been arriving at the airport, while diplomatic sources in neighbouring Kenya say the Islamist movement is equipping itself with anti-aircraft missiles to combat Ethiopia’s helicopter gunships.

Residents fear the onslaught of Ethiopia’s military might. Maryan Elmi, who has a seven-year-old daughter, spoke for many mothers when she said: “Our civil war was fought on the ground but this war will bring the Ethiopian air force. People want to flee but to where nobody knows. I am worried for my daughter.”

Tensions between the Islamic council and the country’s non-existent fragile interim government mounted last week. Islamist forces have encircled the dusty government seat of Baidoa where militias loyal to President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed have dug in alongside thousands of Ethiopian troops.

"The Islamic leadership, accused by the United States of being in league with Al-Qaeda, has set an ultimatum of Tuesday for the Ethiopians to leave Somalia or face attack."
The Islamic leadership, accused by the United States of being in league with Al-Qaeda, has set an ultimatum of Tuesday for the Ethiopians to leave Somalia or face attack. Peace talks are due to take place this week in Khartoum but neither side has confirmed that it will attend.
That'll make for a short meeting.
In the past few days two heavy transport planes arrived under cover of darkness at Mogadishu airport from central Asia, according to sources in the city.
Let's see. Iran is sorta central in Asia. So's Pakistan.
A cargo ship has docked at the nearby port of Merka, believed to be carrying troops from Eritrea, which backs the Islamic council. “This is all part of the build-up to war but what is really worrying the international community is the sophistication of the weaponry,” said a western diplomatic source.
And from where does Eritrea get its weapons?
Doctors and nurses have been sent to the front line, which in some places is no more than 30 miles from the government’s stronghold. Food and AK-47 assault rifles are being collected for the militiamen who have streamed out of Mogadishu towards Baidoa.

The United States has pitched itself firmly behind the interim government as the best way of halting the spread of militant Islam. Jendayi Frazer, the US assistant secretary of state, spelt out the position last week: “The top layer of the courts is extremist to the core. They are terrorists and they are creating this logic of war.”

Sheikh Abdurahim Ali Muddey, a spokesman for the Islamic council, said America’s accusations were an attempt to divide the group. “I assure you that we have only one motive and that is we need our country safe and at peace,” he said.

This month America secured backing for a UN security council resolution to deploy African peacekeepers in defence of the government, despite concerns by Britain that the move could provoke a pre-emptive strike by the Islamists. The fear is that war could engulf the region because Ethiopia and Eritrea have lined up on opposing sides. Syria, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have been named by the UN as sending military or financial aid to the Islamist movement.

Matt Bryden, a consultant with the International Crisis Group, said diplomacy was running out of time. “If we don’t make the Khartoum talks work then I don’t think we have much chance of avoiding all-out confrontation,” he added.
Are you Ready to Rrruuuummmmmbbbblllleeee?

Posted by: .com 2006-12-17