
Officials: Hamas and Fatah agree to ceasefire
I hope it works out like all the other cease-fires.
Already has ...
GAZA CITY (CNN) -- The leading Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah agreed to a cease-fire after street battles left at least two people dead, leaders of other parties involved in the talks announced early Monday.
"We've fired off something like 40,000 rounds. We got two people dead. Maybe we oughta have a ceasefire before somebody notices we're lousy shots."
Clashes between gunmen loyal to Fatah, led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, and Hamas, which controls the Palestinian government, escalated Sunday after Abbas called for new elections in the Palestinian territories. Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya on Sunday rejected Abbas' call for early elections.
"Early elections? You can't call early elections! We reject your call for early elections!"
The cease-fire took effect shortly after midnight Sunday, according to representatives of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Democratic Action, two parties that helped negotiate the deal. The streets of Gaza City were quiet after the proclamation.
"Psssst. Hamas called Abbas a poopyhead!"
"And Fatah sez Haniyeh secretly sees a Dominatrix!"
"We got pictures!"
Officials from Hamas and Fatah confirmed their factions had signed onto the plan, but neither party sent officials to the news conference where the deal was announced.
It's all MSM Blah³ from here on...

Posted by: .com 2006-12-18