
Fence gets first Palestinian ’Day of Rage’
In the context of their campaign against the ongoing construction of the security fence in the West Bank, the Palestinians have declared this coming Friday as a day of "rage" to be marked with protests and rallies.
(With the blessing of the PA)

Days of rage in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are usually marked with clashes between Palestinians and the IDF. Over the past two and a half years, the Palestinians have declared days of "rage" to protest against Israel’s military operations and visits by Jews to the Temple Mount.
(Hmmm Would this be like those jokers that ’invaded’ the church of the nativity?)

Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, who has repeatedly condemned the fence as a "big crime against humanity," has instructed the Palestinian media and leadership to put increased emphasis on the issue with the hope that US and European pressure would force Israel to halt the project or change the route of the fence.
(And it makes it much harder for our Human Bombers to get into Israel!)

Palestinian Authority officials and human rights groups have also begun organizing tours for foreign diplomats to the West Bank to explain the dangers of the fence. The Palestinians’ main argument is that the "Apartheid Wall" is being built inside the West Bank a move resulting in the confiscation of tens of thousands of dunams of Arab-owned land. Moreover, the Palestinians see the fence as a political step designed to create irreversible facts on the ground and torpedo any attempt to establish an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank.
(Some of the dangers include terrorists having to go through checkpoints and in some cases being shot.)

Representatives of different Palestinian political factions who met in Ramallah Sunday night decided to escalate the campaign against the fence by calling on Palestinians to devote Friday for demonstrations in all parts of the West Bank. "We urge our people to intensify their protests against the racist wall and the settlements and in support of our detainees," said a leaflet distributed in a number of Palestinian cities Monday.
(At last something to vent at! I love the racists comment, it makes the case for them.)

The leaflet said the Israeli government bears the full responsibility for the possible collapse of the current cease-fire because of its "continued aggression against the Palestinian people."
(The homcide bombers have nothing to do with the ’collapse’)

It accused Israel of "violating" the unilateral cease-fire declared by the Palestinians four weeks ago by continuing to build the fence, expropriate land, expand settlements and launch daily raids against Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorism.
(Also they shook their testicles at us in a most unholy manner!)

In a separate development, the families of Israeli-Arab security prisoners met in Ramallah with Arafat to discuss the future of their sons. The families appealed to Arafat to demand the release of their sons together with Palestinian prisoners.
(After the last bombing,I think this is wishful thinking.)

(The fact that the Israelis are building a fence suggest that they are evisioning a PA State. The fence will probably act as a border for that state. The PA should take the hint and maybe crack down oentire months pay to the PA on the day they arrest the first militant n some of these militant groups.)
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-08-12