
Keke To Surrender
Solomon Islands rebel leader Harold Keke has agreed to surrender in return for a guarantee of safe passage on to the Australian warship HMAS Manoora.
The "Get Me Off The Island Alive" plan.
The ship, which sailed out of Honiara last night, is believed to be headed for the Weathercoast, where Mr Keke is due to surrender his weapons to the intervention forces today.
I’m sure they’ll have a nice stateroom all ready for you, something with bars.
Sources close to the Solomon Islands peace process told The Australian yesterday Mr Keke’s surrender was "imminent", but the timing remained delicate. The civilian leader of the intervention force, Nick Warner, who has met with Mr Keke twice in the past five days, has imposed a news blackout on his talks with the rebel leader because of the operational and political "sensitivities". "We don’t have any comment on any Keke issue today," Mr Warner said at his daily press briefing yesterday.
"I can say no more."
Following his first meeting with Mr Keke on Friday, Mr Warner announced that the rebel leader had agreed to the establishment of a police post at the village of Mbiti and to the handing over of all weapons today. The surrender will enable Mr Keke to help police with investigations, including those into murders on the Weathercoast.
I’m not sure that investigation is going to go the way you hope, Keke.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-12