
Alpine "Iceman" was murdered
Edited for brevity.
The 5,300-year-old "Iceman" discovered in 1991 in the Italian Alps was killed by one or more assailants in a fight that lasted at least two days, shows evidence obtained by sophisticated DNA testing and old-fashioned detective work. Scientists initially presumed that the Stone Age Iceman, nicknamed Otzi, was caught in a storm and froze to death. But a new team said Monday that Otzi’s case instead has become the world’s oldest, and coldest, murder case.

In 2001, an Italian radiologist found an arrowhead embedded in Otzi’s shoulder. Otzi had been hit from behind and managed to pull out only the shaft. That discovery led Eduard Egarter, Bolanzo’s chief medical examiner and curator of Otzi’s body, to look for more evidence of a fight. Alois Pirpamer, one of the climbers who found Otzi, told Egarter that the Iceman had been clutching a knife in his right hand at the time of the discovery. Egarter matched the knife to the hand and found a deep gash on the hand that had been missed in previous studies. He then found another cut on the left hand and bruises on the torso, as if Otzi had been beaten. Blood from one person was found on the back of Otzi’s cloak, and blood from two people was found on the same arrow in his quiver. More blood was on the knife.

[T]he team suspects blood on the back of the cloak may have come from a wounded colleague that Otzi was carrying over his shoulder. [B]lood of two people was found on the same arrow, suggesting Otzi killed both men and retrieved the arrow.
Quincy, where are you?!
Posted by: Dar 2003-08-12