
Arab + Religion of Peace = Let's All Be Loud and Stupid
In Gaza, Hamas and Fatah gunmen fought in the main hospital, killing one person and wounding eleven others. There are now 11,000 UN peacekeepers hiding in southern Lebanon. Hizbollah is calling for new national elections in Lebanon, believing that they might have to votes to gain control of the government. The ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians continues to hold, despite daily incidents of rockets being fired from Gaza into Israel. The Palestinians don't consider this a violation, because not a lot of rockets are being fired, and the Israelis are not responding with troops or artillery fire. Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain.

Hizbollah continues to maintain thousands of demonstrators in the capital, calling for the Lebanese government to give Hizbollah veto power. The government refuses to give in. Syria and Iran continue to send weapons across the border to Hezbollah, and the United Nothing UN tourist peacekeepers in southern Lebanon (Led by Sgt "I see nothing" Schultz) continue to stay out of the way of Hizbollah operations. Careful not to get run over by a Hez ammo cinvoy.

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC 2006-12-19