
"Human Scum" has left the building.

The United States said on Tuesday that a senior American official, condemned by North Korea as ``human scum’’ for a personalized attack on its leader, would not take part in nuclear crisis talks in Beijing this month.

But U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told a news conference in the Australian capital Canberra that many in the United States shared the views of arms control negotiator John Bolton on the reclusive communist state.

``His recent comments reflect a point of view in the United States held by many. Clearly they did not affect the talks. We’re going ahead with them in Beijing later in the month,’’ he added.

Damn straight they reflect our point of view...

North Korea said earlier this month it would not deal with Bolton after he said that life in the secretive state was a ``hellish nightmare’’ and called its leader Kim Jong-il a ``tyrannical dictator.’’

Truth hurts...doesn’t it?

Its official KCNA news agency described him in a report on Tuesday as ``human scum’’ and accused him of a ``provocative attempt to intentionally spoil the atmosphere.’’

What Bolton said is totally unacceptable! oh and by the way... we will destroy you in sea of fire Yankee running dogs!

China said Monday there were still serious gaps between the two sides. (Translation: we haven’t be able to get the Americans to fork over any cash yet...) But analysts have interpreted the fact that the impoverished North has not pulled out of the talks, despite Bolton’s criticism, as a sign it has few options left. (Yup... man can not live on grass alone)

In the latest salvo of tit-for-tat exchanges between the North and South, Pyongyang’s official news agency said South Korea had conducted a military provocation inside the demilitarised zone Tuesday, but Seoul dismissed the allegation.

The Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) said the South Korean army brought two tanks to the verge of the military demarcation line inside the DMZ and took a firing posture at the Northern side, quoting military sources. How dare the running dogs aim tanks at all of the artillery we have pointed at them!

``We never menace North Korea with such a kind of military action, tee hee’’ a lieutenant colonel and spokesman for the South’s Defense Ministry told Reuters.
Posted by: ----------<<<<- 2003-08-12