
Fresh Fighting Breaks Out in Liberia
Maybe we need to merge Liberia (Africa West) news with Short Attention Span Theater...Jeez....one day?
There are reports of fresh fighting in Liberia, one day after President Charles Taylor resigned and left the country.

Government forces and the nation’s smaller rebel group, MODEL, are battling near the airport, about 40 kilometers outside the capital, Monrovia.

The international airport is the base for hundreds of Nigerian peacekeepers who began deploying last week. The rebels had vowed to quit fighting once Mr. Taylor went into exile.

The French news agency (AFP) also reports fighting between the rebels and government troops in the second city, Buchanan. AFP quotes an army chief who accused rebels from Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) of attacking loyalist soldiers in the town of Gbarnga.

News of the fighting came shortly after LURD rebels announced they want to head Liberia’s interim administration.

Earlier, LURD rebels rejected an offer from Mr. Taylor’s successor, former Vice President Moses Blah, to take over the post of the vice president. They are against Mr. Blah leading the transitional government, because of his close ties to Mr. Taylor.

President Blah is expected to lead the country until October, when a national transitional government is to take over.

Inside the capital, Monrovia, efforts are underway to open the rebel-held port, where desperately needed humanitarian supplies are stored.

The commander of U.S. military forces positioned off Liberia’s coast flew ashore earlier Tuesday to meet rebel leaders. He is also expected to meet with the Nigerian commander of the West African peacekeeping forces, Festus Okonkwo and the U.S. ambassador to Liberia, John Blaney.

LURD rebels had promised to withdraw from the port once Charles Taylor left the country. On Monday, he resigned the presidency and is now in exile in Nigeria.

Posted by: Frank G 2003-08-12