
Widespread use of methadone 'fails to tackle the damage of drug abuse'
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Something tells me that the Social Engineers have chalked up, yet another, astounding success here. Their string is unbroken.
SCOTLAND'S reliance on methadone is failing to tackle the damage wreaked on society by drug abuse, it was claimed yesterday, as new figures showed a massive rise in the use of the heroin substitute.

A record 457,092 methadone prescriptions were issued to heroin addicts in 2005-6, compared with 408,877 the previous year and 45 per cent more than in 2001-2.

Methadone is intended to stabilise heroin users' addiction, satisfying their desire for the drug while removing the need for them to resort to crime and prostitution.
They are "broken" - we must Fix Them. Look, it's simple: substitute Addiction B for Addiction A, make them productive members of society, voila! And no, damnit, I have no idea why they call it dope.

Posted by: .com 2006-12-20