
Ethiopian Jets Bomb Baladogle Airport
Mogadishu 25, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Two Ethiopian fighter jets have bombarded Baladogle airport, 100 km (67 mile) south of the capital Mogadishu. Witness said three missiles struck the airport and a nearby neighborhood. The number of casualties is still sketchy.
Do a Google search and you'll see quite a bit of info for the EAF. Apparently it has quite a history and is armed with SU-27s, MIG-23s, SU-25s, and some old F-5s. Also apparently has better than insh'allan maintenance.
Ethiopian fighter jets has for the second day air bombarded Somalia’s Islamist controlled areas in central and southern areas of the country. The Ethiopian warplanes air bombed the capital’s main airport early Monday morning, with one person injured.

The transitional government has announced Monday that it closed all borders of the country from air, land and sea. Abdirahman Dinaari, the government’s spokesman, asked the international community to assist the Somali government enforce the new restrictions.
Posted by: Steve White 2006-12-26