
Kashmir Korpse Kount
  • At least 44 people were wounded in a powerful explosion near a restaurant and a bank in the town of Bandipora, 60 kilometres north of Srinagar. "Preliminary investigations suggest that krazed killers militants triggered an improvised explosive device (IED) attached to a bicycle or scooter near the restaurant," a police spokesman said, adding bomb experts were collecting samples at the scene.

  • In a separate incident, eight civilians were injured Wednesday in the Qaimoh area of Kulgam township, 70 kilometres south of Srinagar when militants hurled a grenade at a Border Security Force (BSF) patrol.
    Kashmir KlichÚ alert!
    It missed its target and exploded among passers-by, police said. One of the injured later died on way to the hospital.

  • Meanwhile, homicidal maniacs suspected rebels hurled a hand grenade at the house of law-maker Ghulam Hassan Khan in the southern town of Shopian, which hit the target but did not explode, police said.

  • Another IED explosion occured on the lawns of a government department building in northern Baramulla town Wednesday, police said, adding that there were no casualties.
    Except for four pink flamingos and a lawn gnome...

  • Police reported two more explosions in north Kashmir.

  • Indian troops, meanwhile, banged shot dead two snuffies Muslim rebels in the northern district of Kupwara overnight, a police spokesman said, adding the fighting was reported near the Line of Control.

  • Two more gunnies rebels were iced shot dead by Indian troops in two encounters yesterday in southern Pulwama and Anantnag districts, police said. A civilian who strayed into the crossfire was also killed during one of the gunbattles.
    "Mukkerjee! Duck!... Ooops. Too late."

  • Indian troops also arrested Ghulam Hassan Mir, a self-styled company commander of dominant rebel group Hizbul Mujahedin in the Chowkibal area of Kupwara district, police said.

Posted by: Paul Moloney 2003-08-14