
PM Howard happy to have nuke plant next door
Prime Minister John Howard says he is not afraid of having a nuclear power plant built next door to his Sydney home.

He wants Australians to share his enthusiasm for the controversial energy source. The prime minister said Australians should accept nuclear power would be part of the nation's future energy supply, as he released a report which recommends building nuclear reactors to meet rising demand for electricity. "I wouldn't have any objection, none whatsoever. I'm serious, quite serious," Mr Howard said when asked if he would want a reactor next door.

"If we are looking into the future and not looking back over our shoulders to the past, we have to factor in nuclear power as part of the solution. We won't have nuclear power stations tomorrow, but over time, if we are to have a sensible response, we have to include nuclear power."

The final report of an inquiry into nuclear energy, headed by former Telstra boss Ziggy Switkowski, estimates Australia could have a nuclear power plant within 10 to 15 years. It said 25 reactors could supply up to a third of the country's electricity by 2050.
Posted by: .com 2006-12-29