
Ismail Khan stripped of military post in reshuffle
KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai has stripped powerful warlord Ismail Khan of his post as military commander of western Afghanistan in a major reshuffle of provincial governors and officials. The National Security Council decided Khan could not retain his post as military commander while governor of Herat province it said, citing a decree by Karzai who said earlier this year that officials could not hold both military and civil posts. A new Herat military commander would be named shortly, it said. Human rights organisations have accused Khan’s troops of major human rights abuses in western Afghanistan.
And I'm not at all sure how seriously I take the accusations...
Mr Karzai has been trying to extend the authority of the central government to the provinces and rein in powerful governors and warlords. Anti-Taliban warlord Gul Agha, governor of southern Kandahar province, has been moved to Kabul to become minister of urban development.
Only way to get him out of Kandahar was to kick him upstairs...
Incumbent minister Mohammad Yusuf Pashtun takes over Agha’s post as governor of the former Taliban heartland. Kandahar Security Commander General Mohammad Akram has been replaced by Mohammad Hashim, according to Mr Karzai’s decree. Akram is waiting to be appointed to another position, Bakhtar said. In further moves, the governor of southeast Zabul province, Hamidullah Tokhi, will take charge of the central province of Wardak, west of Kabul. A man called Hafizullah will take over the Zabul governorship. Both appointments were made on the recommendation of the interior ministry, the news agency said.
Watch that Zabul appointment. The Talibs (or at least Jihad Unspun) have claimed to be in control of Zabul, which means they at least think they're strong enough to threaten it.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-14