
Brits toss Saudi Intel Wanker
Britain expels Saudi "intelligence officer"
LONDON, Aug. 14 — Britain has expelled a Saudi diplomat in a move newspapers linked to allegations he bribed a London police officer for information on UK residents.
What? He’s just being a Saudi - spreading a little cash around is how they make the day worthwhile...
The expulsion comes during a week of difficult relations between Britain and Saudi Arabia. The UK government issued a warning of new terror threats in the kingdom, birthplace of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, and British Airways cancelled flights there.
BA cancelling flights - wasn’t that interesting... (See Rantburg 8/14 for story)
"We have asked the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to withdraw a Saudi diplomat, and in response to the request a diplomat has been recalled to Saudi Arabia and is no longer accredited to the Saudi mission in London," a Foreign Office spokesman said on Friday.
Short ’n sweet.
He declined to comment further. London police also declined to give details of the case, which involves a current prosecution. But The Times newspaper named the diplomat as Ali al-Shamarani and described him as an "intelligence officer."
It said that over four years, Shamarani had allegedly paid several thousand pounds to a police officer for information about Middle Eastern citizens living in Britain.
Just keeping tabs and being neighborly... Wonder what finally caused the Brits to act - no doubt they’ve known about this for awhile. I’m sure there is more to come.
Posted by: .com 2003-08-15