
Idi Amin Still Alive, Franco Still Dead
The ailing former President of Uganda Idi Amin is seeking a kidney to keep him alive, according to his son, Hashim Amin. Two kidneys offered by anonymous donors were found to be incompatible with those of the former military strongman.
Even body parts reject him.
Hashim Amin told the BBC’s Ali Mutasa in Kampala that two more donors had come forward and that his father was surviving through a haemo-dialysis machine which acts as an external kidney.
Where’s a power blackout when you really need one?
Last month, the 78-year-old Idi Amin was admitted to the King Faisal Specialist Hospital in the Saudi Arabian port of Jeddah, where he has remained ever since. Hashim Amin also said his father has been placed under heavy guard following earlier threats on his life. He did not, however, disclose the nature of the threats.
Something about a ant hill and honey.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-15