
Moonbats Descend on D.C. (Heads up for capital area R-burgers)
From Free Republic:
Cindy Sheehan and the anti-American left are descending on our nation's capital this week to mourn the judicial hanging of Saddam Hussein, celebrate the 3000th American death in Iraq and urge the Democrat-controlled Congress to betray our troops in Iraq and impeach President Bush.

Their first event is a celebration of the 3000th American killed in Iraq to be held at the Virginia side of Memorial Bridge near the entrance to Arlington Cemetery. This will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The (Freeper) D.C. Chapter will be there to counter starting at 4:30 p.m. Please bring American flags and signs supporting our troops, their mission and their commander-in-chief. A sign marking Saddam's being brought to justice would be welcome. This location is not car friendly. Take the Blue line Metro to the Arlington Cemetery stop and walk several blocks east to the bridge over the Potomac river.

The next rally on their agenda is Thursday at noon at upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill, next to the Russell building. The rally is being held by the Revolutionary Communist Party, aka World Can't Wait. Best access is by Metro. Take the Red line to Union Station. We should be able to counter them from the sidewalk along the park.

Later that day, Sheehan and the Revolutionary Communist Party will hold an impeachment discussion at the National Press Club at 7 p.m.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Cindy and the moonbats will be walking the halls of Congress trying to foment treason.

Friday night we'll be at Walter Reed supporting our troops and defending them from the anti-American left. That's from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Elder Street, NW.

On Saturday, January 27, the moonbats will be holding a rally and march in D.C. near the Capitol. We'll be announcing our plans to counter on that day soon.

Please check in here if you can participate in any of our activities supporting America in the war on terror against the moonbats.

All Freepers and lurkers in good standing are invited to join us. As always, the D.C. Chapter's rules for demonstrating will be in effect. Briefly, they are: No violence, no profanity, no racism, no provocations, obey the law and treat all law enforcement officers with respect.
Note that this does not pretend to be an objective source (unlike the left's allies in the institutional media). Note also that you are not urged to treat the quislings and their media friends with respect, just don't hit them or throw stuff at them. They might cry, and you know whose version of events most of the country would see.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2007-01-02