
Fresh clashes in Gaza kill one, Haniyeh urges calm
Clashes! Get ya fresh clashes heah!
GAZA, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Gunbattles broke out between forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Hamas government in northern Gaza on Thursday, killing a Hamas policeman and wounding two other people, witnesses said.
Trucefire holding...film at eleven.
Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas leader, called for calm in the wake of the renewed internal violence. Five people were killed on Wednesday in fighting."These clashes must stop, this bloodshed must end. Let all of you love one another, let's resolve differences through dialogue and not with weapons," Haniyeh told reporters after returning from making the Haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
...and are my arms tired.
"Weapons must only be directed against the Israeli occupation."
Jeez, if only they were still here...
Wednesday's violence was the worst internal fighting since Hamas and Abbas's Fatah agreed to a shaky ceasefire two weeks ago.
Well if it's a shaky ceasefire, I guess this stuff is okay then...
The two sides declared the truce in an attempt to end violence that surged after Abbas challenged Hamas by calling for early parliamentary and presidential elections after unity government talks failed. Hamas has labelled Abbas's move a coup to oust it less than a year after it surprised the once dominant Fatah faction to win a parliamentary ballot.
I curse your mustache!
Well I curse your mustache! And your wife's mustache! HA!

Fatah sources said the northern Gaza clash erupted when members of a Hamas police unit attacked the house of a senior Fatah official. Hamas said its forces were shot at first.
We didn't do it.
Well we didn't do it.
Well we didn't do it.
Okay. Ceasefire?

The affiliation of the two wounded was unclear.
Teamsters probably...
Unknown gunmen also fired on mourners at a funeral for three security officers loyal to Abbas who were among the dead on Wednesday.
Open up, boys! The dead don't shoot back...
Fatah sources and medical officials said two mourners were wounded during the funeral march in central Gaza when gunmen shot at the procession.
Funerals, weddings. Is there anyplace we can go where we don't get shot?
A senior Hamas member was also kidnapped by unidentified gunmen in Gaza City, the Islamists said.
Again? Okay, boys, but can we stop for falafel first?
Posted by: tu3031 2007-01-04