
Mustafa Zahir to replace Abdullah as Afghan FM
Mustafa Zahir, the grandson of former Afghan monarch, Muhammad Zahir Shah would replace Afghan Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullah. According to details, a correspondent of Radio Tehran was quoted as saying that a major reshuffle is being made in the Afghan government. According to an Afghan source, the correspondent said, a serious debate is continuing on changes in provincial and centre political set up. The source said that the United States has been contemplating the sacking of provincial officials having links with Islamic parties but could not take such a step due to the people's support to such personalities.
It'd be nothing but a benefit to all parties concerned if they did.
The report says that along with the firing of the Afghan Foreign Minister, Governor Heart Muhammad Ismail Khan, Governor Nangarhar Haji Din Muhammad and Governor Kabul Mulla Taj Muhammad would be removed from their posts.
Zahir Shah's grandkid — and I'd guess eventual heir, if it were ever to come to pass — being appointed FM is significant. Ismail's gotten politely disapproving press lately, and Fahim's not been setting the world on fire. It could be — though I could be thinking wishfully — that the Northern Alliance guys have been given their chance and all they produced was more puddles of blood. The Pashtuns were given their chance, and proved unable to coexist with anyone, to include each other. Now maybe it'll be the turn of the royalists and the ex-pats. If they don't work out... I dunno. Maybe it's not a country, but an incurable disease. Or break it into its component 'stans and deal with the ones that turn out to be coherent.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-17