
US press ignores Gitmo protesters
The attempt of a peace group to highlight the plight of Guantanamo prisoners by protesting outside the notorious US detention facility has been ignored by the mainstream American press.

The 12-person delegation, organised by a group called Code Pink, includes US “peace mom” Cindy Sheehan whose son was killed in the war in Iraq, Adele Welty whose firefighter son was killed on 9/11, former diplomat Ann Wright who resigned over the invasion of Iraq, and Bill Goodman of the US Centre for Constitutional Rights who has taken the cases of Guantanamo detainees to the US Supreme Court. On Thursday, according to the online site Common Dreams, the group will walk to the gates of the Guantanamo prison from the Cuban side. A petition for access to the prison itself has been denied.
Okay. Lemme get this straight: The story here is that there's no story? The press produces a report that the press isn't producing a report?

I think I'll go lie down. It's just too subtle for me.

Posted by: Fred 2007-01-11