
Hillary arrives in Lahore
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in Lahore on Saturday, according to television reports. Ms Clinton is expected to meet President Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad on Sunday. She is also scheduled to visit Afghanistan the same day and call for a troop ‘surge’ in that country, even though she opposes a similar measure in Iraq.
Calling for a surge in Afghanistan allows the Dhimmicrats to sound tough without really risking anything. Despite the MSM most educated pols know that the Taliban won't topple the government, so it's safe to call for more action there. It allows the Hildebeast to look 'tough' to the center-left portion of her party.
Mrs Clinton visited Kuwait and Iraq on Saturday, where she met Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki and Shia cleric Ayatollah Abd Al Aziz Al Hakim. She also met with Lt-Gen Martin Dempsey, who is training Iraqi security forces.

She cautioned against paying too much attention to Iraq at the expense of the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. “I wish we were discussing additional troops for Afghanistan. We are hearing increasingly troubling reports out of Afghanistan and we will be searching for accurate information about the true state of affairs both militarily and politically,” she said.
Posted by: Fred 2007-01-15