
Pakistan groups ’help Taleban’
The Kandahar Government spokesman, Khaled Pushtun, said some of Afghanistan’s neighbours were supplying Taleban insurgents with money to carry out attacks aimed at destabilising the region.
He’s been reading Rantburg.
Mr Pushtun was speaking amidst calls for greater security measures in the border areas between the two countries following another attack on an Afghan Government post by suspected Taleban. He said that while Afghanistan had good relations with the Pakistani Government, Islamist political parties in Pakistan had always openly supported the Taleban, and they were continuing to provide funds and moral support now.
That’s very diplomatic of him.
Islamist parties are in power in both of the Pakistani provinces which border Afghanistan.
It’s that cause - effect thing again.
Mr Pushtun said that a minority of Afghans in the south still favour the Taleban and outsiders were taking advantage of this to promote anti-government activity on the Afghan side of the border. He said there should be more international pressure on Afghanistan’s neighbours to prevent this.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-19