
Official Rejects Rumors about Iran-US Clash in Persian Gulf
Hat tip Gateway Pundit.
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Deputy Governor General of Iran's southern province of Hormuzgan strongly rejected rumors about eruption of clashes between Iranian and US battleships in the Persian Gulf.
We don't have an active-duty battleship right now, and I'm pretty sure the Iranians don't either. Maybe they mean 'battleship' in the same way the Somalis refer to 'battlewagons'.
Speaking to FNA, the official viewed the rumor as a part of the enemies' psychological war on Iran, and added, "Such efforts are made to break the Iranians' resolve after West's efforts in the form of the UN Security Council Resolution 1737 to influence Iran's decision through downgrading public morale failed."

An informed source in the security department of the Iranian interior ministry also denied such reports as baseless. Since the early hours of Sunday morning, many Iranian subscribers have received an SMS which spoke of a clash between Iranian and American battleships in the Persian Gulf waters.
Keep playing with their minds ...

Posted by: Steve White 2007-01-15