
Smoke bans 'lead to illegal grog shops'
SMOKING bans could spark an increase in drink-driving and underage drinking as traditional pub clientele turn to backyard establishments, a hotelier has warned. Tasmania, the first state to place a blanket ban on smoking in bars 12 months ago, has experienced a rise in illegal pubs, a situation hoteliers say is likely to spread.

Sly-grogging in sheds, garages and backyards had been reported in about 30 towns across Tasmania, with up to two or three unlicensed premises per town, Australian Hotels Association, Tasmanian manager Daniel Hanna said today. Most reports were from regional or country areas, although some "shed drinking'' was occurring in the suburbs, usually in areas with a large proportion of traditional clientele, such as smokers not interested in gaming facilities.

"We've been snowed under with reports,'' Mr Hanna said. "Some of these premises are operating everyday with a large number of people drinking for a large number of hours.

"There is no responsible serving of alcohol, no supervision of minors, these places are not licensed and they are not regulated.

"The situation is setting the scene for irresponsible drinking, drink-driving and the sale of alcohol to minors.'' He said smoke-free legislation introduced into Tasmania in January 2006 was one explanation for the spate of backyard establishments.

With the rest of Australia having brought in, or in the process of bringing in, their own smoke-free laws, the number of illegal, unlicensed drinking houses was expected to spread, he said.

AHA national executive director Bill Healey urged state police and liquor licensing authorities to take a proactive approach to the problem. The phenomenon of backyard pubs would be discussed at a meeting of AHA executives next month, Mr Healey said. "It's an illegal activity no different from drug-pushing. We want it nipped in the bud as quickly as possible,'' he said.

Tasmania Police today said they had received no formal complaints about illegal pubs and had about two reports of illegal liquor sales in the last two years. "Police view these sorts of allegations seriously and appropriate action will be taken if people are found to be breaching liquor licensing laws,'' Assistant Commissioner Scott Tilyard said.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2007-01-15