
Terrified burglar goes to police after finding head in jar
Sharon e-mailed me this, from dpa. There's no link to go with it, but who could pass it up?
A frightened English burglar went straight to the police when he found a severed head in a jar while out on a job, press reports said Tuesday. The unnamed thief broke into the home of Richard Morrison in the Liverpool area but fled when he saw the head. Acting on his information, police secured a warrant and also broke into the house, fearing they had stumbled on an English Hannibal Lecter, but closer examination revealed the ``head'' had been put together from bacon.
"I-i-i-i-it's BACON! Bacon, bacon, BACON!"
Morrison, 37, a part-time conceptual artist, who works for the Criminal Records Bureau, returned home to find his front door broken in. Police offered a full apology and said they would fix the door. Morrison devised his artwork — bacon in an old-fashioned sweet jar preserved in formaldehyde — while attending an art foundation course two years ago. The work is in the style of that of Damien Hirst, a British artist who made a name for himself by preserving animals in formaldehyde.
"Mmmmm... Pickled lizards! My favorite!"
Morrison told the Times he was quite proud of his ``naive conceptualist'' creation and acknowledged it had been inspired by Hirst and Tracey Emin, another conceptual artist. ``The police told me that the burglar was terrified. He pooped himself had a crisis of conscience and confessed to his mother,'' he said.
"Mom, where's the toilet paper?"
"Is there something you want to tell me, son?"
Merseyside Chief Inspector Stephen Naylor said the burglar had been arrested for a separate offence.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-19