
Kurdish militia capture Iraqi ex-vice president
Details of yesterday’s arrest. EFL:
Kurdish militiamen captured Iraq’s feared former vice president, Taha Yassin Ramadan, in a bloodless operation in this northern city Tuesday and turned him over to the U.S. military, marking one of the highest-profile arrests since most of ousted President Saddam Hussein’s leadership went underground after his government collapsed in April. Ramadan, once one of Saddam’s closest advisers, was seized with three guards soon after midnight from a two-story villa in the northern city of Mosul, where U.S. forces killed Saddam’s two eldest sons last month. After trying to flee through a back door, Ramadan surrendered peacefully, Kurdish officials said. "He wasn’t expecting anyone," said Sadi Ahmed Pire, the local director of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of the two main Kurdish parties whose militiamen seized Ramadan.
Did I mention I like the Kurds?
Pire said Kurdish officials had been actively pursuing Ramadan for two weeks. He credited the break to a series of arrests of Ramadan’s aides over the previous 48 hours. The final arrest led to Ramadan’s private secretary, who divulged Ramadan’s exact whereabouts in an upscale neighborhood known as Wahda.
"I’ll talk, I’ll talk, just put that thing away!"
At 12:30 a.m., Kurdish militiamen brought an aide of Ramadan’s to the front door. Recognizing his voice, guards allowed him to enter, and about 15 militiamen rushed in, Pire said. Kurdish militiamen took Ramadan to their headquarters in Mosul and turned him over to the Army’s 101st Airborne Division, which is stationed nearby.
I really, really like the Kurds.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-20