
The 'Clash of Civilisations' and what it means to multicultural London
Daniel Pipes and Ken Livingstone will be speakers at 'A World Civilisation or a Clash of Civilisations' - a major conference taking place in London on Saturday 20 January at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. Gavin Esler will chair the opening debate between the Mayor and Daniel Pipes.

The conference will consider whether the much greater interaction of different backgrounds in a globalising world will create more common shared values in an increasingly global civilisation, or whether the alternative thesis is correct that a dynamic towards conflict and war is inevitable, created by the 'clash of civilisations'. It will consider how these issues relate to London as a diverse and multicultural city.

Hosted by the Mayor of London, the conference is being organised so that Londoners from different communities, faiths and political persuasions can come together to debate these views. Speakers will include writers, academics, religious figures and campaigners.

The Mayor said: 'London is the world's most international city and has among the most harmonious relations between its communities in the world. It has benefited greatly from globalisation and based its community relations on classic liberal principles - that you should be able to choose to do whatever you like, provided it does not interfere with other people. This is the policy of multiculturalism.

'An entirely opposite view has been put forward that the world is heading towards a clash of civilisations. If true, this would have huge practical consequences for London, which would have to reverse its liberal policies and prepare for such a clash. There would be serious implications for community relations and London's openness to globalisation.'

Daniel Pipes, who will debate with the Mayor, is Director of the Middle East Forum, an American think tank that advises US policymakers on the Middle East. Pipes has argued that 'there is not so much a clash of civilisations as a clash of civilisation versus barbarism'.
Posted by: ryuge 2007-01-19