
UK offers local Afghans to recruit their own police
British forces are backing plans to hand control of policing to tribal elders across Helmand province in a series of ‘peace deals’ which could pave the way for a large-scale withdrawal of British troops, Daily Telegraph reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, under the so-called “Helmand Protocols” based on the agreement which allowed British forces to withdraw from the Musa Qala district last year “tribal elders in districts across Helmand will have the right to propose their district and police chiefs and recruit their own police forces. They will receive $500,000 per district in reconstruction aid, a total of $5 million across the province, in exchange for pledging loyalty to central government and promising to evict the Taliban.

Helmand police chief Nabi Jan Mullah Khail said: “Most people absolutely welcome the protocols because they are absolutely fed up with the fighting going on around them.” The new series of deals are officially an arrangement between local tribal elders and the Helmand governor, backed by the Afghan government. However, British military and civil officials are also involved.
Posted by: Fred 2007-01-24