
Hey Dhimmis!: Write "God" Instead of "Allah"
Reporting last week on the construction of a new mosque in Atlanta, Georgia, the local newspaper noted: "By year's end, more than 1,500 worshippers will profess their faith in Allah here. They hope the mosque will help bridge the crater of suspicion created after the 2001 terrorist attacks."

In Australia, where remarks by a Muslim cleric have been causing controversy, Associated Press reported that the man in question, Sheikh Feiz Mohammed, had been "urging children to become 'soldiers defending Islam' and sacrifice their lives for Allah".

At a terrorism trial in Britain last week, a court was told that notes found in the home of one of the accused included (according to the Press Association) "a description of the components of fertiliser, while 'In the name of Allah' was also written on one of the pages ..."

These news items - a random sample from the last few days - reflect a silly but increasingly common practice of referring to God as "Allah" when talking about Muslims. There is no logical reason for this. Why use an Arabic word in English-language news reports when there is a perfectly good English word that means exactly the same thing?

Various Arabic words - "jihad" and "sheikh", for example - have crept into everyday usage because no precise equivalent exists in English, but "Allah" is not of that type. It is simply is the normal word that Arabic speakers use for "God" - whether they are Muslims or not. Arab Christians worship "Allah" too, and the first verse of the Arabic Bible informs us that "In the beginning Allah created heaven and earth."

Posted by: Sneaze Shaiting3550 2007-01-24