
Australia to throw out UN rule in assessing Terror Groups (hoorah!)
AUSTRALIA’S new terror laws were unworkable and did not allow terrorist groups to be properly identified, Attorney-General Daryl Williams said today.
tellin’ it like it is...
Mr Williams said under the laws passed earlier this year, groups could only be identified as terror organisations in Australia if they had first been recognised as such by the United Nations Security Council.
And we all know how effecient the UN is at helping out in the WOT
However, the UN list was limited and did not represent all threats to Australia, Mr Williams said. As such amendments had been introduced into Parliament to remove the requirement for UN listing.
Hooray! Now watch Labor under Simon Crean/Mark (i hate america) Latham, The Greens and The Democrats form a big ugly block and prevent sensible legislation from being passed.
"The United Nations Security Council has limited the proscriptions of (terror) organisations as such to those that are associated with al-Qaeda or the Taliban and there are no other organisations outside that that have been listed by the United Nations Security Council," he told a World Jurist Association congress in Adelaide today.
wot a joke. So change your name and you’re free in Australia!
The Lebanon-based militia group Hezbollah, perceived to be a threat to Australia’s interests, was not on the UN list, he said. The militia group has been identified in Australia as a terrorist organisation after a separate one-off piece of legislation was passed through Parliament specific to Hezbollah.
But Hamas and Islamic Jihad, they’re A-OK with us.
Mr Williams said he was unaware of any other country that was hindered by only recognising UN listed groups as terrorist organisations. "This is not a criticism of the Security Council, this is a recognition that Australia has its own interests independent of the Security Council and we must have the capacity to respond independently in defence of our interests," he said. "The Government believes this requirement (for UN listing) is unnecessary and in fact can impede Australia’s ability to respond quickly to the threats posed by organisations identified by our own security agencies as terrorist organisations."
TAKE NOTICE: this Attorney-general tells it like it is!
Posted by: Anon1 2003-08-22