
ETA terrorist had 'planned to attack Americas Cup'
An arrested Eta terrorist was planning to carry out an attack on the Americas Cup planned for Valencia later this year, police said on Friday. Íker Aguirre Bernadal, 26, was arrested on Thursday on a train between Perpignan and Barcelona carrying bomb-making plans, EUR 3,000 in cash and documents with false identities.
Did he take a wrong turn at Islamabad?
Anti-terrorist police sources said Aguirre had been sent to plan an attack on the international yachting regatta by the Basque separatist group's military leader Garikoitz Aspiazu, known as 'Txeroki'.
That's not a name, that's a Scrabble rack.
The Americas Cup is due to start in April and reaches its climax in July. It will be opened by the King of Spain Juan Carlos, who has previously been the target of Eta assassination plots. The competition is expected to attract jihadis celebrities and royal families from around the world. Anti-terrorist sources said it appeared Eta was attempting to set up a 'commando' cell in Spain to carry out bomb attacks on the world's biggest yachting regatta.
So they send Numbnuts on a train with bomb plans, cash, and fake IDs, prolly sweating up a storm. The Allenists run their ops so much more professionally.
Agents on the French-Spanish border to stop terrorists entering the country spotted Aguirre, who is wanted in relation to a series of Eta attacks in the Basque Country in 2004.
Posted by: Seafarious 2007-01-27