
Geranium lawmaker: We are installing 3,000 centrifuges.
Iran is currently installing 3,000 centrifuges at a uranium enrichment plant, an Iranian lawmaker said Saturday, a day after a senior U.S. diplomat warned that the country's plans to accelerate its nuclear program "would be a major miscalculation."
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The Iranian lawmaker, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said the installation "stabilizes Iran's capability in the field of nuclear technology," the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported. "We are right now installing 3,000 centrifuges," Boroujerdi, the head of the Iranian Parliament's Foreign Policy and National Security Committee, was quoted as saying by IRNA.

Boroujerdi's comments came a day after U.N. officials said Iran plans to begin work next month on an underground uranium enrichment facility, as part of a plan to create a network of tens of thousands of machines to enrich uranium. "If Iran takes this step, it is going to confront universal international opposition," said Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns. "If they think they can get away with 3,000 centrifuges without another Security Council resolution and additional international pressure, then they are very badly mistaken."
Perhaps time is ticking faster than we all thought.
Mods: Sorry for the link. I can't seem to figure out how to make the headline a link.
You can embed a link but not fill in the source box? Put the URL there instead of 'AP Yahoo'. Thx. AoS.

Posted by: Mike N. 2007-01-28