
Corsican nationalist killed
A Corsican nationalist militant was killed in a drive-by shooting last night on the French-ruled Mediterranean island, police sources said. Maurice Galeani, 50, was shot several times by two men on a motorcycle as he rode a scooter through Ajaccio in the southwest of the island, which has been plagued by decades of violence linked to demands for independence from mainland France.
There’s another one of those killer motorcycles.
Police were hunting for the attackers, who managed to escape. Galeani, who was previously affiliated with the Corsican National Liberation front (FLNC), had been convicted in 1987 for his role in two bomb attacks. Corsica rejected a French government offer of limited autonomy in a referendum in July.
Internal feud or asassinated by the brutal French occupation forces? I think this decades long conflict demands intervention by the United Nations!
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-25