
Archaeologists find ‘temple’ remains at Babri mosque site
A 574-page report of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) unveiled in court on Monday said that excavations at the site of the destroyed Babri mosque in Ayodhya had found features of a 10th century structure that resemble a temple. Buoyed by the report, Hindu organisations asked for a quick judicial verdict. Muslim groups rejected the report, saying it was “concocted, vague, contradictory and aimed at reaping a political harvest”. However, the ASI report does not specifically call the construction a temple.
It just walks like a duck. It quacks sometimes. It has webbed feet. Could be something else. Good Muslims will reject it.
The report said there was “archaeological evidence of a massive structure just below the disputed structure (Babri mosque) and evidence of continuity in structural activities from the 10th century onwards up to the construction of the disputed structure”. Among the excavation yields it mentioned were stone and decorated bricks as well as a mutilated sculpture of a divine couple; 50 pillar bases with carvings including foliage patterns, amalaka, kapotapali; a doorjamb with a semi-circular shrine pilaster; a broken octagonal shaft of black schist pillar and lotus motifs; and a circular shrine with a waterchute. These features were “indicative of remains which are distinctive features found associated with the temples of the north,” said the report.
Uhuh. Probably a bath house or a beer joint or something...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-26