
SKors shoot towards NKor Patrol Boat
This just might be the "Official Reason for Walking Out of Talks in China", if the NKors walk. Or it might be because they’re looney.
South Korea’s navy fired warning shots Tuesday after a North Korean patrol boat entered waters controlled by the South, the military said. The North Korean vessel turned back and there were no further hostile exchanges between the two sides, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said. The patrol boat intruded three-tenths of a mile into southern waters along the disputed western sea border, South Korean officials said. A Southern navy speedboat fired two warning shots and the North Korean boat returned to communist territory three minutes later.
3/10’s of a mile? Not near as precise as the last incident. Guess the reporter’s GPS system wasn’t working.
The maritime border between the two Koreas is not clearly marked, and North Korean fishing boats often cross over into South Korean waters to harvest seaweed for the populace. South Korean navy ships occasionally respond with warning shots. The incident came just ahead of the scheduled six-way talks in Beijing this week.
Kim to aide: "Did you bring the extra-large bottle of spittle?"
Posted by: Steve White 2003-08-26