
I Don’t Consider Myself an Alarmist, But...
The flash mob is just the latest in a long streak of group hysterias
A crowd of 100 or so suddenly shows up at a designated location. Each person removes one of his or her shoes, and beats it on the ground several times. Then they put their shoes back on and quietly depart.

Reportedly, this stunt, which occurred the first time in Sao Paulo, Brazil, has surfaced in cities such as Vienna, Tokyo and New York, and is being referred to as a "flash mob phenomenon." Evidently these amorphous crowds are organized by Web sites and e-mail lists to stage brief, harmless buffoonery in prearranged public locations. Afterward the performers fade back into the woodwork.

How perfectly pointless and wonderful. At this silly point, nobody seems to know who concocted that prototype stunt in Brazil, or why — or at any of the other sites. Sometimes there just aren’t any answers to humankind’s big questions.

Oh, yes, things could be lots worse, folks. Just imagine if one of these mobs hits your town, and they all turn out to be retired streakers from the infamous 1970s.
Isn’t it all such great fun? Those crazy kids.
Does anyone else see TARGET written all over this?
Why go looking for victims when you can bring them to you ?

Posted by: Anonymous 2003-08-26