
ElBaradei: U.S. Should Disarm
The head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog called on the United States Tuesday to set an example to the rest of the world by cutting its nuclear arsenal and halting research programs. "The U.S. government demands that other nations not possess nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, it is arming itself," Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, told Germany’s Stern weekly.
Don’t you have some pressing business in Iran, Mohamed?
Criticizing President Bush’s plan for a national missile defense shield, he said: "Then a small number of privileged countries will be under a nuclear protective shield, with the rest of the world outside."
"In truth there are no good or bad nuclear weapons. If we do not stop applying double standards we will end up with more nuclear weapons. We are at a turning point," ElBaradei told Stern in the interview released ahead of publication.
The IAEA director, who has overseen failed inspections of nuclear sites in Iraq, North Korea and Iran over the past year for half a decade said the world’s five original nuclear powers -- the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China -- should send a clear message to the world that they were disarming. "Otherwise, we must live with the consequences. At the moment we are, at best acting, like the fire brigade. Today Iraq, tomorrow North Korea, the day after Iran. And then?" ElBaradei said.
Well, since you oversaw the inspections that were supposed to keep those countries from getting nukes, I guess you’ll be looking for work.
Posted by: Steve 2003-08-26