
Security Council Makes Attacks on U.N., Aid Workers a War Crime
UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 26 -- Spurred to action by last week’s bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad, the Security Council today unanimously approved a resolution aimed at protecting U.N. staff and humanitarian workers.
Doh! After all the animals are out of the barn...
The resolution had languished since late April because of U.S. opposition, but surged into the spotlight after the attack, which killed 23 people -- including 19 U.N. staff members -- and injured more than 160.
Was there a quid pro quo here? The ICC, perhaps?
It said deliberate attacks on U.N. and other humanitarian workers in armed conflicts are a war crime -- and demands the prosecution of anyone who tries to harm them.
Where? Belgium?
During intense negotiations, Mexico and the other supporters of the resolution agreed to drop a reference to the International Criminal Court, which the United States vehemently opposes, and reached agreement with Washington on defining what constitutes a war crime against humanitarian personnel. That cleared the way for the 15 to 0 vote.
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Posted by: .com 2003-08-27