
Iran Admits Foreign Help on Nuclear Facility
U.N. Agency’s Data Point To Pakistan as the Source
By Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Iran has admitted for the first time that it received substantial foreign help in building a secret nuclear facility south of Tehran that is now beginning to enrich uranium, turning it into a key ingredient in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, according to U.N. documents and diplomatic sources.
Aw, and we all thought you were getting Divine Intervention & Assistance directly from Allah hisownself. Guess he doesn’t like you enough, huh?
While Iran has not yet identified the source of the foreign help, evidence collected in Iran by the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency implicates Pakistani companies as suppliers of critical technology and parts, officials familiar with a U.N. investigation of Iran’s program said yesterday. Pakistan is believed by many proliferation experts to have passed important nuclear secrets to both Iran and North Korea. Pakistan has denied providing such assistance.
"watchdog" - Oooooh. Like that? Sounds really tough and menacing. Then you get a glimpse of El Barradai mincing and quibbling in front of the UNSC and realize just how easy it was for the Black Hats to go shopping while under the intense scrutiny of the watchdogs of the IAEA. Can you say "NorK"?
The latest disclosure about Iran came as the U.N. group, the International Atomic Energy Agency, reported that Iran had only partially complied with demands to open its nuclear program to scrutiny. The IAEA, in a confidential report, said Iran had not fully accounted for activities that have spurred fears that it was secretly developing nuclear weapons.
And you can bet that even the confidential report was a watered-down lackluster effort...
"Iran has demonstrated an increased degree of cooperation," said the report, portions of which were provided to The Washington Post. "However . . . there remain a number of important outstanding issues, particularly with regard to Iran’s enrichment program, that require urgent resolution."
Toss out a bone. Reel it back in. Justify your existence. Enhance your importance. Yep, that’s a UN report, all right.
The report also noted that Iran had apparently attempted to sanitize one of its nuclear facilities, known as the Kalaye Electric Co., before granting IAEA inspectors access to the site this summer. "Considerable modifications were observed," the IAEA said of the Kalaye site, which had been identified by an Iranian opposition group as a pilot enrichment facility. IAEA officials were barred from the site during earlier visits.
Say it ain’t so! Our friends the Black Hats? No!
Over the past 18 months, Iran has begun work on major facilities for processing and enriching uranium, while simultaneously building a separate reactor that can be used in the production of plutonium. The Bush administration contends the facilities are part of an accelerated campaign to build nuclear weapons. Iran’s disclosures about its nuclear suppliers were part of an apparent attempt to allay rising international concerns about its nuclear intentions.
This just can’t be true. The Black Hats are Holy Men. They would never seek weapons. Allah is their sword and their Faith is their shield.
Iran’s claim of a purely peaceful nuclear program suffered a blow last month when IAEA inspectors discovered traces of highly enriched uranium at a newly constructed facility in Natanz, 200 miles south of Tehran. Iran had denied making enriched uranium at Natanz or any other facility prior to June of this year.
"Suffered a blow..." Heh. This guy’s good. And after June? All bets are off, I guess...
In a new attempt to explain the discrepancy, Iran has told U.N. nuclear officials that the uranium came into the country on contaminated equipment purchased from another country -- specifically, on metal machine parts used in gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium.
"Um, yeah, that’s it! We know we said we built it ourselves, but that was last week. This week we must tell you that we bought the centrifuges - and the scoundrels sold us used equiment! We demand a UN investigation of them, but we won’t tell you who they are, of course. We have more shopping to do. This informations will be publicly made after it’s too late at an appropriate time, Insh’allah."
"In the past, Iran had claimed that the technology was indigenous, and they were quite proud of that," said one European diplomatic official familiar with the IAEA’s findings. "Now they’re saying they did get a lot of help. This was a major change in the story."
Um, yeah, we made it! Well, um, no we didn’t. But we coulda if we had wanted to...
The equipment said to be tainted was from a type of centrifuge acquired by Pakistani scientists in the 1970s and used in Pakistan’s domestic nuclear program, two officials familiar with the findings said.
Once again, the word is "acquired" - not invented. The Science of Allah™ can read a cookbook, but isn’t worth warm spit when it comes to writing one.

There be more...
Posted by: .com 2003-08-27