
Hindu Pilgrims Stampede in India; at Least 29 Dead
Wed August 27, 2003 06:47 AM ET
By Terry Friel
BOMBAY, India (Reuters) -
At least 29 people, many of them women, died in a stampede in western India Wednesday where more than a million Hindu pilgrims were attending a religious festival, police said.
Jealous of the headlines generated by Paki morons, the Hindus asserted themselves and proved that they, too, are serious morons.
Many more were seriously injured at the festival in Nasik, about 125 miles northeast of Bombay, where Hindus had gathered to cleanse their sins by taking a dip in the holy Godavari River.
Most things are considered holy - by someone or other. This river, though a cesspool, is a Holy River. Leaving behind only a film only a few parasites thick, it cleanses the dipper of sin.
Ooooh! Mom! Take me there! I always feel so good after my dipper's been cleansed!
Local television stations put the death toll as high as 39 and police said more than 125 had been injured.
The numbers game was in full swing...
Cheeze. The jihadis don't even have to bomb them, the Naxalites don't even have to shoot them. They just trample each other if left alone...
More than a million pilgrims had converged on Nasik for one of the holiest days of the massive Kumbh Mela, or Great Pitcher festival, which is held in the town every 12 years.
More numbers and more Holy Stuff. I’m sure there’s much more available about the Great Pitcher, but I saw Koufax and Ryan in person, so I’ll pass.
From the Great Pitcher Brochure (Bombay, 1948): "Every twelve years the Great Pitcher comes and leaves baseball gloves for all the good little boys and girls of the world. The ones that've been bad, he spikes."
"Among the dead, most of them are women. Officials are trying to retrieve the bodies from the water," police official J.D. Tambe told Reuters.
In the first few hours, the competition to retrieve women’s bodies is fierce. It wanes as the day wears on...
He said the crowds had started to increase at noon and the stampede happened when people started to push each other rushing to take a dip in the river.
That last minute mentality will get you every time.
"Mom! What time does the stampede start?"
It was the worst stampede at such a festival since 1986, when 50 people died in the northern Indian city of Haridwar on the Ganges River.
Event organizers have had to settle for a 2nd-Place finish, this time, but hope springs eternal and planning is already underway...
Police commissioner P.T. Lahor told India’s ZEE television that the stampede began after a sadhu, or holy man, threw some silver coins in the air as an offering and many people bent down to pick them up.
Ah. A Holy Man. Shoulda guessed...
But other officials were quoted as saying the stampede had started after some barricades collapsed.
Naw, it was the collapse of the Holy Barricades...
Television showed pictures of pilgrims continuing to bathe, some of them not even aware of the stampede, while further along the river, some people scrambled to pull out a woman in a pink sari, who lay face down in the swirling water.
Up-river is good...
The town of Nasik, with hundreds of temples and bathing ghats lining the river, is revered by Hindus as the place where the Hindu god-king Ram and his wife Sita were sent to exile.
And the ghats were only outnumbered by the gnats. Ram & Sita whiled away their days, endless days - as they are God / Goddess, so they’re still there. Whiling.
Posted by: .com 2003-08-27