
Background on Condolezza Rice.
On September 15, 1963, a Sunday morning, Condi was standing inside her father’s church when she felt the floor shake. A bomb had exploded two blocks away at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, killing four young black girls. One was Rice’s schoolmate. That blast, rather than derailing the civil rights movement, energized the crusade to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Rice would later say the memory of "home-grown terrorism" from 1960s Birmingham flooded back into her mind after the 9/11 attacks. These early childhood memories have become a cornerstone in Rice’s political convictions about the importance of human dignity and individual liberty for all people.
In the war on terror, Condolezza Rice, Bush’s National Security Advisor, is a key player. This is an excellent overview of Condi’s upbringing, where she’s coming from, and gives an idea of what to expect from her.

To any lurking Islamofreaks: THIS is what you’re up against, and what you’re missing by suppressing your wimmenfolk. Give the f*ck up. Y’all are DOOMED.

Posted by: Ptah 2003-08-27